Do you enjoy art, music and dance or have an interest in writing, producing films and taking photos? Then join us in unleashing your inner artist with PTA Reflections! This year’s theme, “Accepting Imperfection...” calls for your unique interpretation through the arts. For inspiration, visit the Reflections virtual art gallery and learn more about prizes and scholarships. Students that participate will enjoy rewards and recognition for their effort, and their judged entry may be selected as a winner at the school, district, state, or national level. Every 1st place winner in each of the 6 categories at the RHS level will receive a $50 Amazon Gift Card.
To participate, review the guidelines online, work on your project and submit your entry by January 10, 2025!
**NOTE: GCSD is blocking entries made via Chromebooks on their servers. Unfortunately, you will have to submit entries via a non-school computer or separate google account. We apologize for the inconvenience but there is no way around their encryption. Please CONTACT US to schedule a time with our Reflections Chair, Keri Dille, and she will help you get it submitted. Thank you for your flexibility.**
National PTA Reflections is America’s oldest and largest arts education program of its kind. The program was developed in 1969 by Colorado’s PTA President Mary Lou Anderson to encourage students to explore their talents and express themselves. Since then, the Reflections Arts Program has inspired millions of students to reflect on a specific theme and create original artwork. Each year, students in Grades Pre-K through 12 are recognized for bringing the theme to life through Film Production, Dance Choreography, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, and Visual Arts.
2024-2025 RHS Winners

Shattering Limits

Imperfect Yet Perfect

2022-2023 RHS Winners

Unspoken Words

2021-2022 RHS Winners

Passion Fanfare

District 1
State of SC

Passion Fanfare
2019-2020 RHS Winners

Learning to Learn About Each other

What is Hope?

rapped Within

Uniqueness in the Ordinary

Sweet Victory

Look at My World

Eternal Memories

District 1
State of SC

Eternal Memories